Sounded ID: 9781982779313
ISBN: 9781982779313
Publication Date: September 15, 2019
Publisher: Author's Republic
Language: English
Author Name: Readtrepreneur Publishing
Narrator Name: Matthew Longmire
Summary Bundle: Biography & Healing | Readtrepreneur Publishing: Includes Summary of Martin Luther & Summary of Medical Medium Thyroid Healing
From the Description of “Summary of Martin Luther”…
"Luther's writings and actions so altered the landscape of the modern world that much of what we now take for granted may be traced directly to him, the quirky genius of Wittenberg." – Eric Metaxas
Eric Metaxas delivers the captivating story of Martin Luther, a man whose faith and uncompromising ideals transformed th...
Summary Bundle: Biography & Healing | Readtrepreneur Publishing: Includes Summary of Martin Luther & Summary of Medical Medium Thyroid Healing
From the Description of “Summary of Martin Luther”…
"Luther's writings and actions so altered the landscape of the modern world that much of what we now take for granted may be traced directly to him, the quirky genius of Wittenberg." – Eric Metaxas
Eric Metaxas delivers the captivating story of Martin Luther, a man whose faith and uncompromising ideals transformed the Church and the world. Go beyond the myths and discover the truth behind Martin Luther's life, the life of a pastor, rebel, prophet and monk. Eric Metaxas highlights the effect Martin Luther had on the world as we now know it. One of the history's most influential people honored the memory of Martin Luther by taking his name. Martin Luther King was known as Michael King before he visited Germany and got acquainted with Luther's life and work. You too will become fascinated with his story once you read Eric Metaxas' Martin Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World.
From the Description of “Summary of Medical Medium Thyroid Healing”…
"Your heart serves as the compass for your actions, guiding you to do the right thing when your soul becomes lost" – Anthony William
Being the #1 best-selling author of the Medical Medium series, Anthony William has all the experience he needs to cover such a complex matter in such a brilliant way. There is no more need to wait for years for upcoming investigations to be released. You can start being an expert on the topic of thyroid healing when you read this book!
# | Title | Duration |
1. | OPEN |
0 mins 26 secs |
2. | 00-OpeningCredits |
0 mins 12 secs |
3. | 01-TheBookAtAGlance |
6 mins 36 secs |
4. | 02-Introduction |
4 mins 01 secs |
5. | 03-ChapterOne |
5 mins 31 secs |
6. | 04-ChapterTwo |
5 mins 13 secs |
7. | 05-ChapterThree1 |
4 mins 04 secs |
8. | 06-ChapterFour |
3 mins 08 secs |
9. | 07-ChapterFive |
4 mins 40 secs |
10. | 08-ChapterSix |
8 mins 47 secs |
11. | 09-ChapterSeven |
5 mins 13 secs |
12. | 10-ChapterEight |
3 mins 10 secs |
13. | 11-ChapterNine |
3 mins 16 secs |
14. | 12-ChapterTen |
4 mins 28 secs |
15. | 13-ChapterEleven |
3 mins 42 secs |
16. | 14-ChapterTwelve |
4 mins 32 secs |
17. | 15-ChapterThirteen |
4 mins 00 secs |
18. | 16-ChapterFourteen |
4 mins 04 secs |
19. | 17-ChapterFifteen |
4 mins 26 secs |
20. | 18-ChapterSixteen |
6 mins 35 secs |
21. | 19-ChapterSeventeen |
4 mins 40 secs |
22. | 20-ChapterEighteen |
4 mins 14 secs |
23. | 21-ChapterNineteen |
3 mins 42 secs |
24. | 22-ChapterTwenty |
4 mins 24 secs |
25. | 23-ChapterTwentyOne |
3 mins 46 secs |
26. | 24-ChapterTwentyTwo |
3 mins 48 secs |
27. | 25-Epilogue |
8 mins 33 secs |
28. | 26-Conclusion |
3 mins 18 secs |
29. | 27-EndCredits |
0 mins 19 secs |
30. | 28-OpeningCredits1 |
0 mins 23 secs |
31. | 29-TheBookAtAGlance1 |
4 mins 43 secs |
32. | 30-TheTruthAboutYourThyroid |
2 mins 46 secs |
33. | 31-ThyroidVirusTriggers |
4 mins 37 secs |
34. | 32-HowtheThyroidVirusWorks |
6 mins 52 secs |
35. | 33-YourThyroidsTruePurpose |
3 mins 15 secs |
36. | 34-YourSymptonsandConditionsExplained |
4 mins 05 secs |
37. | 35-ThyroidCancer |
2 mins 18 secs |
38. | 36-ThyroidGuessTests |
3 mins 31 secs |
39. | 37-ThyroidMedication |
2 mins 16 secs |
40. | 38-ABridgetoBetterHealth |
1 mins 58 secs |
41. | 39-GreatMistake1-AutoimmuneConfusion |
2 mins 01 secs |
42. | 40-GreatMistake2-MysteryIllnessMisconception |
1 mins 59 secs |
43. | 41-GreatMistake3-LabelsasAnswers |
1 mins 44 secs |
44. | 42-GreatMistake4-InflammationasaCause |
2 mins 29 secs |
45. | 43-GreatMistake5-MetabolismMyth |
2 mins 29 secs |
46. | 44-GreatMistake6-GeneBlameGame |
1 mins 45 secs |
47. | 45-GreatMistake7-IgnoringtheUnforgivingFour |
2 mins 50 secs |
48. | 46-GreatMistake8-ItsAllinYourHead |
1 mins 42 secs |
49. | 47-GreatMistake9-YouCreatedYourIllness |
1 mins 48 secs |
50. | 48-TimetoRebuildYourBody |
1 mins 34 secs |
51. | 49-LifeWithoutaThyroid |
1 mins 45 secs |
52. | 50-CommonMisconceptions |
2 mins 25 secs |
53. | 51-PowerfulFoods |
3 mins 47 secs |
54. | 52-90-DayThyroidRehab |
3 mins 43 secs |
55. | 53-ThyroidHealingRecipes |
7 mins 36 secs |
56. | 54-ThyroidHealingTechniques |
2 mins 43 secs |
57. | 55-FinallyHealed-OneWomansStory |
3 mins 03 secs |
58. | 56-InsomniaandyourThyroid |
1 mins 33 secs |
59. | 57-YourSleepWellspring |
3 mins 04 secs |
60. | 58-IdentifyingSleepIssues |
5 mins 25 secs |
61. | 59-HealingSleepIssues |
2 mins 19 secs |
62. | 60-WhyBadDreamsareGood |
2 mins 05 secs |
63. | 61-Conclusion |
4 mins 54 secs |
64. | 62-ClosingCredits |
0 mins 26 secs |
65. | CLOSE |
0 mins 38 secs |